Guideline for Preparing a SORPAS® Simulation Task

1. Material properties data (for each material of workpiece, coating, electrode, rivet, die)

  1. Material name
  2. Material type or grade, tempering status, aging conditions etc.
  3. Chemical composition with percentage of each element
  4. Mechanical properties, incl. yield strength, tensile strength, elongation at break, n-value
  5. Physical properties, incl. resistivity, thermal conductivity, heat capacity, mass density

2. Geometric dimensions of Workpieces (or sheets)

  1. Geometry and Dimensions of each workpiece (e.g. thickness of each sheet)
  2. Thickness of surface coating, if any

3. Geometric dimensions of Electrodes, Rivets, Dies

  1. Geometry and dimensions of electrodes especially the tip face diameter and curvature
  2. Water cooling of electrodes (water temperature and flowing rate), if and Geometry and dimensions of rivets and dies for mechanical joining

4. Welding/ Joining setup (illustrated with technical drawing)

  1. Positioning of the workpieces and electrodes in resistance welding
  2. Positioning of the workpieces, rivet and die in mechanical joining
  3. Loading direction of the force, and mechanical fixture or supporting tools

5. Characteristics of welding machine/gun, Joining machine

  1. Type of electrical power source (AC, DC or CD)
  2. Type of mechanical loading system (pneumatic, hydraulic, spring, servo etc.)
  3. Maximum secondary current (kA) and power (kVA)
  4. Maximum mechanical loading capacity (kN)

6. Welding/joining process parameters

  1. For resistance welding: Weld current, number of pulses, Weld time, Weld force.
  2. For mechanical joining: Velocity of punch movement, maximum loading force
  3. Any other special features or limitations

7. Welding/Joining problem to be analyzed

  1. Description of the existing welding problem
  2. Expectations from the simulation