Upcoming events
15-19 September 2025, Essen, Germany
SWANTEC will be an exhibitor at the Essen Welding Show, SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2025, the world’s largest welding exhibition, in Messe Essen, Germany.
The latest developments of SORPAS® 2D and SORPAS® 3D will be demonstrated with possibilities of hands-on exercises.
We look forward to meeting you at:
Hall 1 – Booth 1A16

4-6 November 2026, Gliwice, Poland
The 12th International Seminar & Conference on Advances in Resistance Welding and Mechanical Joining will be organized by SWANTEC, Silesian University of Technology, and Polish Welding Society in Gliwice, Poland on 4-6 November 2026.
The main topics will be the advances and new challenges of resistance welding and mechanical joining.
Topics include:
- State of the art and outlook in resistance welding and mechanical joining.
- Challenges in welding and assemblies with new materials, AHSS, die-cast aluminum, etc.
- Welding and joining of dissimilar materials.
- Welding and joining of battery cells, modules, packs, and power electronics.
- Welding equipment, machines, electrodes, tip dressing, and tooling techniques.
- Intelligent welding process control and monitoring and weld quality inspections.
- Digitalization of welding and joining, simulations, optimizations, digital twins, and AI.
- Mechanical joining (SPR and clinching) and hybrid joining techniques.
Past events
The 11th International Seminar & Conference on Advances in Resistance Welding and Mechanical Joining will be organized by SWANTEC and InfoMass in Shanghai, China.
The main topics will be the advances and new challenges of resistance welding and mechanical joining especially related to the transition to Electric Vehicles (EVs) and E-mobility.
9-11 October 2024, Shanghai, China

24-27 April 2024, Osaka, Japan

Several lectures presented with focus on current advances in the field of resistance welding.
Our CEO, Dr. Wenqi Zhang made a presentation at this event with the title on:
“Twinning Digital and Physical Processes by Simulations and Optimizations in Resistance Welding and Mechanical Joining”.
More information about this event can be found by downloading the flyer.
24 November 2023, Aachen, Germany
Welding and Joining Institute
ISF, RWTH Aachen University
SORPAS® workshop took place in Essen, Germany. It was free and open to all interested in SORPAS® solutions. The latest developments and industrial applications were demonstrated with possibilities of hands-on exercises.
12 and 13 September 2023, Essen, Germany
SORPAS® workshop 21st and 22nd May, 2019
Good welding simulations requires both a good software, but also skills in order to use the software in the best way. In order to secure that all SORPAS® users are well prepared, we invite to a training workshop in Denmark.
21st and 22nd May, 2019
27-28 November 2018, Kitakyushu, Japan
Dr. Wenqi Zhang has been invited to speak at the The International Symposium on Joining Technologies in Advanced Automobile Assembly in Japan in November.
He will speak about: Numerical Simulation and Optimization of Resistance Welding and Mechanical Joining Processes
12-14 September 2018, Esslingen, Germany
The 10th International Seminar & Conference on Advances in Resistance Welding and Mechanical Joining will be organized by SWANTEC and Hochschule Esslingen University of Applied Sciences on 12-14 September 2018 in Esslingen, Germany.
This series of seminar is unique and the largest international event specially dedicated to the developments and innovations of resistance welding and mechanical joining in industry.
SORPAS® Training Workshop December, 2017
6-7 December, 2017, Swantec, Denmark
The third SORPAS® Training Workshop 2017 will take place on 6-7th December, 2017 from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM. It is free and open to all interested in SORPAS®. The latest developments of SORPAS® 2D and SORPAS® 3D will be demonstrated with possibilities of hands-on exercises.
We look forward to meeting you!

SORPAS® Training Workshop 2017
24-25 October 2017, Swantec, Denmark
The second SORPAS® Training Workshop 2017 will take place on 24-25 October 2017 from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM. It is free and open to all interested in SORPAS®. The latest developments of SORPAS® 2D and SORPAS® 3D will be demonstrated with possibilities of hands-on exercises.
We look forward to meeting you!

25-29 September 2017, Düsseldorf, Germany
SWANTEC will participate for the 5th consecutive time as an exhibitor at the Essen Welding Show, SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2017, the world’s largest welding exhibition, in Düsseldorf , Germany.
The latest developments of SORPAS® 2D and SORPAS® 3D will be demonstrated with possibilities of hands-on exercises.
We look forward to meeting you at:
Hall 9 – Booth 9A65

Euro BLECH 2016
25-29 October 2016, Hanover, Germany
SWANTEC will participate at the International Sheet Metal Working Technology Exhibition, Euro-BLECH 2016, in Hanover, Germany.
With 17 years experiences serving the industry since 1999 and continuous software developments, SWANTEC will demonstrate the latest developments of SORPAS® 2D for resistance welding and mechanical joining, and SORPAS® 3D for resistance welding and weld joint strength testing with possibilities of hands-on exercises.
Our stand: Hall 13 – G11

22 September 2016, Famington, USA
Our SORPAS Simulation Workshop will take place at WTC’s headquarters on Thursday, 22 September 2016 from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM (ET). The address is: Welding Technology Corp – 24775 Crestview Ct., Farmington Hills, MI 48335, United States
It is free and open to all interested in expanding their knowledge of 2D & 3D simulations, and of course, resistance welding. We hope you can make it!

13-15 April 2016, Miami, USA
The 9th International Seminar & Conference on Advances in Resistance Welding and Global SORPAS® User Meeting was organized by SWANTEC, AWS and RWMA on 13-15 April 2016 in Miami, USA.
This series of seminar is unique and the largest international event specially dedicated to the developments and innovations of resistance welding in industry.
Topics included:
– Joining new materials and complex joints
– Lightweight structures
– Dissimilar materials joining
– Innovations in control technologies
– Optimizations of computer technologies
– Technology and software demonstrations
16-19 June 2015, Shanghai, China
SORPAS® 2D and 3D were presented at the 20th Beijing Essen Welding & Cutting Fair in Shanghai on 16-19 June 2015 by our Chinese distributor InfoMass.
Hands-on demonstrations were arranged for the new functions of SORPAS® 2D with Excel batch simulation and weld planning as well as case studies of SORPAS® 3D.
Location: Hall N4, Booth N4911.

10-12 September 2014, Baveno, Italy
The 8th International Seminar on Advances in Resistance Welding and Global SORPAS® User Meeting was organized by SWANTEC and SINTERLEGHE on 10-12 September 2014 in Baveno, Italy.
Well-known experts and industrial leaders were invited to address the following important themes on resistance welding:
– Challenges of the new materials (high strength steels, Al…)
– Advanced process control and line building technologies
– New methods and innovations etc.
The results of the EU Project and newly invented tip dress system SMADRTDRESS were also presented and demonstrated.
– Announcement and Final Program

15-17 October 2013, Weimar, Germany
SWANTEC participated as Sponsor and Speaker in the first Simulation Forum Welding and Heat Treatment in Weimar on 15-17 October 2013 with a presentation on:
“3D Simulation of Resistance Welding Processes and Weld Strength Testing“.

16-21 September 2013, Essen, Germany
SWANTEC participated for the 4th consecutive time as an exhibitor at the Essen Welding Show, SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2013, the world’s largest welding exhibition, in Essen, Germany.
With 14 years experiences serving the industry since 1999 and continuous software developments and, SWANTEC demonstrated the latest developments of SORPAS® 2D and the newly released SORPAS® 3D with possibilities of hands-on exercises.
Our booth: Hall 8.0 Stand A107

18-21 June 2013, Shanghai, China
Our Chinese partner InfoMass will participate as exhibitor at the 18th Beijing Essen Welding & Cutting Fair 2013 in Shanghai to demonstrate the latest developments of SORPAS® 2D and the newly launched SORPAS® 3D.
Dr. Wenqi Zhang of SWANTEC will attend the event and meet customers and visitors on 20-21 June 2013.
Location: Hall N5, Booth N5281

22nd DVS-Sondertagung “Widerstandsschweißen”
11-12 June 2013, Duisburg, Germany
SWANTEC will participate in the 22nd DVS Conference on Resistance Welding organized by SLV-Duisburg, on 11-12 June 2013, and presented a paper on
“Latest Developments of RSW Simulation and Applications for Aluminum with Adhesives“.

Workshop on Application-oriented Welding Simulation
23 May 2013, Aachen, Germany
The workshop is organized jointly by the DVS Research, the FOSTA and ISF Institute of Welding at RWTH Aachen University.
The latest developments of SORPAS® 3D will be presented and demonstrated at the workshop.
More details in the workshop flyer.

12-14 September 2012, Busan, Korea
The 7th International Seminar on Advances in Resistance Welding and Global SORPAS® User Meeting was organized by SWANTEC, I.S Korea Co., Ltd. and Dong-Eui University on 12-14 September 2012 in Busan, Korea.
Download: Announcement and Full Program

11-14 April 2012, Osaka, Japan
Our Japanese partner SCSK Corporation participates as exhibitor at the Japan International Welding Show 2012 to demonstrate the new version of SORPAS 11 and the beta version of SORPAS 3D.
Dr Wenqi Zhang of SWANTEC will also join the event and speak at the Trend Seminar during the Show.
Booth number: 2-33

22-24 September 2010, Hamburg, Germany
The 6th International Seminar on Advances in Resistance Welding and Global SORPAS® User Meeting were organized by SWANTEC and Harms&Wende on 22-24 September 2010 in Hamburg, Germany.
Nearly 80 participants with majority from industry have attended the event and discussed the latest developments and innovations in resistance welding.
Download: Announcement and Full Program

14-19 September 2009, Essen, Germany
SWANTEC participated for the third time as an exhibitor at the Essen Welding Show, SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2009, the world’s largest welding exhibition in Essen, Germany.
Marking the 10th anniversary of SWANTEC serving the industry with constant development (1999-2009), the newly upgraded SORPAS® Version 10 was released and presented with many new and important functions including the most desired “Weld Schedule Planner” for planning the start welding process parameters and many other automated functions.
Hall 8.0 Stand 208

24-26 September 2008, Toronto, Canada
The 5th International Seminar on Advances in Resistance Welding and Global SORPAS® User Meeting was organized by SWANTEC and HUYS on 24-26 September 2008 in Toronto, Canada.
Nearly 80 participants with majority from industry have attended the event and discussed the latest developments and innovations in resistance welding.
Download: The announcement and full program

International Welding/Joining Conference-Korea 2007
10-12 May 2007, Seoul, Korea
SWANTEC participated in the International Welding/Joining Conference in Korea, 10-12 May 2007, and presented a paper on “Simulation and Optimization of Resistance Spot Welding”

14-16 November 2006, Wels, Austria
The 4th International Seminar on Advances in Resistance Welding was organized by SWANTEC and FRONIUS on 14-16 November 2006 in Wels, Austria.
67 participants from 16 countries have attended the unique event and discussed the latest developments and innovations in resistance welding with the theme on advanced high strength steels in automotive.

24-28 October 2006, Hannover, Germany
SWANTEC participated for the fourth time at the International Sheet Metal Working Technology Exhibition, Euro-BLECH 2006, in Hannover, Germany.
New developments of SORPAS® had been demonstrated at:
Hall 13 Stand F50