This function for Excel Batch Simulation can provide solutions for optimizing and planning of welding process parameters by directly reading input data from Excel datasheet files, and then automatically making simulation files and running all simulations and optimizations to generate optimized welding process parameters according to the data provided in the Excel datasheet file. This will save a lot of time for the users to prepare and run simulations, and drastically increase the productivity of simulations and optimizations!
With this function, the engineers can maximize the benefits of simulations and optimizations, and substantially reduce the number of weld tests for improving the weld quality and production stability with the support of massive and fast simulations and optimizations.
The Excel Batch Simulation supports the following three simulation modes:
- Process simulation – simulation to predict welding result with user defined welding parameters.
- Weld Growth Curve – to predict the process window or good range of weld current for a given weld task.
- Weld Planning – for fully automated optimization and planning of welding parameters settings for requested weld tasks.
A standard Excel datasheet file with a general data structure is provided in the standard software package. It contains the following input data at each row of the Excel file:
- Sheets (up to 4 layers): sheet thickness, material, coating thickness, coating material, gap etc.
- Electrodes: electrode form, material, water cooling etc.
- Machine: welding machine id, type of weld current etc.
All data can be defined and modified by the user, while the materials, electrode forms and welding machines are specified in the databases.
It is also possible to develop specially customized interface to directly read data from user’s own Excel datasheet in their special format as they use in their daily work. This will require some extra development costs depending on the detailed functions requested by individual customers.