

modeling of thermo-electro-mechanical manufacturing processes

Modeling of Thermo-Electro-Mechanical Manufacturing Processes with Applications in Metal Forming and Resistance Welding.

Applications in Metal Forming and Resistance Welding.
C.V. Nielsen et al. Published by Springer 2013.

Technical publications on developments and applications of SORPAS®


106. Effect of sheet thickness on liquid metal embrittlement cracking of Galva-annealed quench & partitioning (Q&P) 980 MPa steel during resistance spot welding

Kwon, Hyuck Min, Gyu Hwan Oh, Chang-Wook Lee, and Junyeong Jeong
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (2025): 1-7


105. Electrode life evaluation for varied electrode material composition and geometry in resistance spot welding of aluminum alloys

Park, Hong-geun, Deepak Kumar, Kwang-su Park, Ki Sung Nam, Yereum Kim, Young-Min Kim, and Taeseon Lee
Weld World
 68, 2701–2712 (2024)

104. Study of the brittle fracture mechanism at the softening zone near the fusion line in resistance spot welds

Taiga Taniguchi, Takumi Mizutani, Hiroshi Horikawa, Seiji Furusako, Shinji Kodama
Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Volume 117 (2024) Pages 71-81

103. Liquid Metal Embrittlement Susceptibility and Crack Formation of the Zn-Coated Complex Phase Steel

Hu, Rongxun, Jiayi Zhou, Yu Sun, Ming Lei, and Yulai Gao
Materials 18, no. 1 (2024): 9.

102.  Expulsion prevention in resistance spot welding of dissimilar joints with ultra-high strength steel: An analysis of the mechanism and effect of preheating current

Yang, Keke, Bassel El-Sari, Viktoria Olfert, Zhuoqun Wang, Max Biegler, Michael Rethmeier, and Gerson Meschut
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 124 (2024): 489-502.

101. Optimised projection welding of steel bars

Mikno, Zygmunt
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (2024) Volume 24, Issue 3, pp. 162

100. Analysis of projection welding in relation to the non‑parallelism of electrodes

Mikno, Zygmunt
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2024) Volume 135, Issue 5-6, pp. 2087 – 2095

99. Interfacial microstructure and mechanical property of dissimilar resistance spot welded joint of TC4 titanium alloy and 316L stainless steel with nickel interlayer

Zhang, Weihua; Yang, Yue; Zhang, Kunlong; Sun, Xiangyu; Yu, Sirong; Li, Yongqiang; Sun, Daqian
Journal of Materials Research and Technology (2024) Volume 32, pp. 1946-1958

98. Investigation of a novel stepped-current vis-à-vis conventional resistance spot welding of dual-phase 780 (DP 780) steel

Asati, Brajesh; Kishore, Kaushal; Shajan, Nikhil; Arora, Kanwer Singh
Journal of Manufacturing Processes  (2024) Volume 126, pp. 382-401

97. Tailoring Electrode Life Expectancy in Pre-pulse Resistance Spot Welding of Coated High-Strength Interstitial Free Steel

Asati, Brajesh; Bag, Swarup; Shajan, Nikhil; Kadarbhai, Mohseen Azad; Singh, Parminder; Arora, Kanwer Singh; Singh, Abhishek Prasad
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 1–17 (2024).

96. A new resistance insert spot welding method for injection‑molded FRP–steel component

Hongli Xu, Xiangfan Fang
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2024) 132:2017–2043

95. Resistance Rivet and Insert Welding – A Flexible Manufacturing Technique for the Aluminum/FRPs-Steel Multi-Material Body Structures

Fang, Xiangfan; Zhang, Fan; Xu, Hongli
Sae Technical Papers (2024) issue 288443, pp.2024-01-2071


94. Simulation-Based Characterization of Tube-Cap Resistance Butt Welding of Nuclear Fuel for Light Water Reactors and Development of Melted-Volume Prediction Models.

Na, Tae-Hyung.
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (2023): 1-9.

93. Clinching and resistance spot welding of thermoplastic composites with metal using inserts as joining interfaces.

Troschitz, J., Vorderbrüggen, J., Gude, M. and Meschut, G.
Twenty-third International conference on composite materials (ICCM23)

92. Analysis of Foreign Substance Flow within the Weld Joint through Simulation in Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Fuel Rods.

Na, Taehyung, Taehyeon Kim, and Yongdeog Kim.
Applied Sciences 13, no. 15 (2023): 8905.

91. Improving the mechanical performance of press-hardened steel resistance spot welds via in-situ grain refinement.

Betiku, O.T., Ramachandran, D.C., Ghatei-Kalashami, A., DiGiovanni, C., Sherepenko, O., Ghassemi-Armaki, H. and Biro, E.
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 320, p.118122. (2023)

90. Resistance insert spot welding: a new joining method for thermoplastic FRP–steel component.

Xu, H. and Fang, X.
Welding in the World, pp.1-20 (2023).

89. Thermal influence of resistance spot welding on a nearby overmolded thermoplastic–metal joint. 

Wippermann, J., Meschut, G., Koshukow, W. et al.
Weld World 67, 793–804 (2023).

88. Examination of post-heating conditions to improve CTS in resistance spot-weld joints

Taniguchi, T., Furusako, S. & Kodama, S.
Weld World (2023).




86. Effects of Electro-force Control on the Microstructure and Welding Characteristic During Resistance Spot Welding

Kim W, Kim J, Jun H, Kim J, Lee E, Ji C.
Korean Journal of Metals and Materials. 2022 Apr 22;60(5):350-9.

85. Understanding formation mechanisms of intermetallic compounds in dissimilar Al/steel joint processed by resistance spot welding

Pan B, Sun H, Shang SL, Banu M, Wang PC, Carlson BE, Liu ZK, Li J.
Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2022 Nov 1;83:212-22.

84. Optimizing post-weld performance of press-hardened steel resistance spot welds by controlling fusion zone porosity

Betiku, O.T., Shojaee, M., Sherepenko, O. et al.
Weld World 66, 1733–1746 (2022)

83. Numerical and experimental investigations on the enhancement of the tensile shear strength for resistance spot welded TWIP steel.

Ding K, Wang Y, Lei M, Wei T, Wu G, Zhang Y, Pan H, Zhao B, Gao Y.
Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2022 Apr 1;76:365-78.

82. Zn penetration and its coupled interaction with the grain boundary during the resistance spot welding of the QP980 steel

Dong, Wufeng & Pan, Hua & Lei, Ming & Ding, Kai & Gao, Y.L..
Scripta Materialia. 218. (2022) 114832

81. Simulation-based Characterization of Tube-cap Resistance Butt Welding of Nuclear Fuel for Light Water Reactors and Development of Melted-volume Prediction Models

Jong-Jung Lee, Young Whan Park and TaeHyung Na
Under Review at The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, August 2022


80. Liquid metal embrittlement during the resistance spot welding of galvannealed steels: synergy of liquid Zn, α-Fe(Zn) and tensile stress

Ji-Ung Kim, Siva Prasad Murugan, Jun-Su Kim, Wan Yook, Chang-Yong Lee, Changwook Ji, Jong Bae Jeon & Yeong-Do Park
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 26:3, 196-204 (2021)

79. Geometrical degradation of electrode and liquid metal embrittlement cracking in resistance spot welding

Kaisar Mahmud, Siva Prasad Murugan, Yongjin Cho, Changwook Ji, Daegun Nam, Yeong-Do Park
Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Volume 61, 2021, Pages 334-348

78. The Effect of Preheating Current on the Melting Behavior of Bolt Projection Welding of Al-Si Coated Hot-Stamped Boron Steel

Kim, Jae Won & Jun, Hyun-Uk & Cheon, Joo-Yong & Kim, Jae-Deuk & Ji, Changwook.Korean Journal of Metals and Materials. 59. 893-903. 10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.12.893.

77. Resistance element welding of sandwich laminates with hidden inserts

Calado, F.N., Pragana, J.P., Bragança, I.M., Silva, C. and Martins, P.A.,
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, September 2021

76. Solidification Microstructure of Aluminum AA 6016-T4 Resistance Spot Welds Using a Short-Pulse Technique

Eric W. Schulz, Matthias Wagner, Holger Schubert, Wenqi Zhang, Bharat Balasubramanian & Luke N. Brewer
Metall Mater Trans A, Volume 52. September 2021

75. Short-Pulse Resistance Spot Welding of Aluminum Alloy 6016-T4 — Part 2. The influence of pulse shape on weld quality was investigated.

E. Schulz, M. Wagner, H. Schubert, W. Zhang, B. Balasubramanian , and L. N. Brewer
Welding Journal, March 2021

74. Short-Pulse Resistance Spot Welding of Aluminum Alloy 6016-T4 — Part 1. The influence of welding time and current on weld quality was investigated.

E. Schulz, M. Wagner, H. Schubert, W. Zhang, B. Balasubramanian , and L. N. Brewer
Welding Journal, February 2021

73. Joining of ultra-high-strength steels using resistance element welding on conventional resistance spot welding guns.

Günter, H., Meschut, G.
Welding in the World, 2021

72. Cross-wire welding analyzed by experiments and simulations

C.V. Nielsen, W. Zhang, N. Bay, P.A.F. Martins,
Journal of Advanced Joining Processes, Volume 3, 2021


71. Liquid zinc penetration induced intergranular brittle cracking in resistance spot welding of galvannealed advanced high strength steel

Siva Prasad Murugan, Jong Bae Jeon, Changwook Ji, Yeong-Do Park
Welding in the World, August 2020

70. A study on the effect of chemical composition on the microstructural characteristics and mechanical performance of DP1000 resistance spot welds

Ali Chabok, Ellen van der Aa, Yutao Pei
Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 788, 2020

69. Simulative and experimental investigations on single-sided resistance spot brazing of sheet metal tube connections as an alternative to single-sided resistance spot welding

Najuch, M., S. Jüttner, and D. Schmicker.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 882. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2020

68. Joining of Thermoplastic Composites with Metals Using Resistance Element Welding

Troschitz J, Vorderbrüggen J, Kupfer R, Gude M, Meschut G.
Applied Sciences. 2020; 10(20):7251.

67. Four types of LME cracks in RSW of Zn-coated AHSS

Murugan, S. P., V. Vijayan, C. Ji, and Y. D. Park.
Welding Journal 99 (2020): 75-92.

66. Automotive battery pack manufacturing – a review of battery to tab joining

M.F.R. Zwicker, M. Moghadam, W. Zhang, C.V. Nielsen,
Journal of Advanced Joining Processes, Volume 1, 2020


65. Liquid Metal Embrittlement of Resistance Spot Welded 1180 TRIP Steel: Effect of Electrode Force on Cracking Behavior

Choi, DY., Sharma, A., Uhm, SH. et al.
Metals and Materials International (2019) 25, 219–228

64. Critical design parameters of the electrode for liquid metal embrittlement cracking in resistance spot welding

Siva Murugan,Kaisar Mahmud,Changwook Ji, Ilguk Jo & Yeong-Do Park.
Welding in the World, Le Soudage Dans Le Monde. August (2019)

63. Resistance spot weld bonding of steel sheets

Szymon Kowieski1, Jolanta Matusiak
Welding Technology Review 91, no. 10 (2019): 25-33.

62. Microstructural evolution of liquid metal embrittlement in resistance-spot-welded galvanized TWinning-Induced Plasticity (TWIP) steel sheets

Lee, Hyungsoo, Min Chul Jo, Seok Su Sohn, Sang-Heon Kim, Taejin Song, Sung-Kyu Kim, Hyoung Seop Kim, Nack J. Kim, and Sunghak Lee
Materials Characterization. 2019 Jan 1;147:233-41.

61. Micro-resistance spot welding of cylindrical battery packets in FEM calculations

Zygmunt Mikno1 and Szymon Kowieski
Welding Technology Review 91.8 (2019): 43-52

60. Transient Softening at the Fusion Boundary of Resistance Spot Welds: A Phase Field Simulation and Experimental Investigations for Al–Si-coated 22MnB5

Oleksii Sherepenko , Omid Kazemi, Paul Rosemann, Markus Wilke, Thorsten Halle, and Sven Jüttner
MPDI, Metals Journal, December 2019.

59. Spot Weld Strength Modeling and Processing Maps for Hot-Stamping Steels

Welding journal, AUGUST 2019


58. Resistance Spot Welding Characteristic of 1500MPa Steel Sheet Using Simulation II

Jong-Jung Lee, Chang-soek Son, and Young Whan Park
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Pukyung National University, Busan, 48513, Korea


57. Resistance Spot Welding Characteristic of 1500MPa Steel Sheet Using Simulation I

Jong-Jung Lee, Chang-soek Son, and Young Whan Park
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Pukyung National University, Busan, 48513, Korea


56. Effect of Welding Time on Resistance Spot Weldability of Aluminum 5052 Alloy

Kim, G. C., Hwang, I., Kang, M., Kim, D., Park, H., & Kim, Y. M.
Metals and Materials International, 1-12. 2018


55. Transient softening at the fusion boundary in resistance spot welded ultra-high strengths steel 22MnB5 and its impact on fracture processes

Oleksii Sherepenko & Sven Jüttner
Welding in the World. 2018:1-9


54. Evolution of computer simulation and optimization with potential for machine learning and artificial intelligence

Wenqi Zhang, Swantec Software and Engineering ApS


53. On the Performance of Thin-Walled Crash Boxes Joined by Forming

Silva, D.F.M.; Silva, C.M.A.; Bragança, I.M.F.; Nielsen, C.V.; Alves, L.M.; Martins, P.A.F.
Materials 2018, 11, 1118.


52. Characterization of Loading Responses and Failure Loci of a Boron Steel Spot Weld

N. D. Raath, D. Norman, I. McGregor, S. Hepple, R. Dashwood, D. J. Hughes
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Volume 49, Issue 6, May 2018


51. The Resistance Spot Weldability of a Stainless Steel/Aluminium/Low Carbon Steel 3-Ply Clad Sheet

Siva Prasad Murugan, Muralimohan Cheepu, Vijeesh Vijayan, Changwook Ji, Yeong-Do Park
Journal of Welding and Joining 2018, 36(1)


50. Weld Processing and Mechanical Responses of 1-GPa TRIP Steel Resistance Spot Welds

Welding Journal, 2018


49. Analysis of resistance welding processes and expulsion of liquid metal from the weld nugget

Zygmunt Mikno, Adam Pilarczyk, Marcin Korzeniowski, Paweł Kustroń, Andrzej Ambroziak
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Volume 18, issue 2, February 2018


48. Thermo-mechanically affected zone in AA6111 resistance spot welds

Sainan Wu, Bita Ghaffari, Elizabeth Hetrick, Mei Li, Qing Liu, Zhihong Jia
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 249, November 2017


47. Effect of Weld Schedule on the Residual Stress Distribution of Boron Steel Spot Welds

N. D. Raath, D. Norman, I. McGregor, R. Dashwood, D. J. Hughes
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Volume 48, Issue 6, June 2017


46. Optimization of resistance welding by using electric servo actuator

Zygmunt Mikno, Mariusz Stepien, Boguslaw Grzesik
Welding in the World, Volume 61, Issue 3, May 2017


45. Liquid metal embrittlement-free welds of Zn-coated twinning induced plasticity steels

Ashiri, Rouholah, Morteza Shamanian, Hamid Reza Salimijazi, Md Anwarul Haque, Jin-Hee Bae, Chang-Wook Ji, Kwang-Geun Chin, and Yeong-Do Park.
Scripta Materialia 114 (2016): 41-47.

44. Heat distribution in welds by short-time high-current post-heating and its improving effect on cross tension strength: development of resistance spot welding with pulsed current pattern for ultrahigh-strength steel sheets

K. Taniguchi, H. Matsuda, R. Ikeda and K. Oi
Welding International, volume 30, 2016 – Issue 11


43. Characteristics of Dissimillar Three-Sheet Resistance Spot Welding for Advanced High Strength Steel with Cover Plate

J. Shim and S. Rhee
Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers  25:5 (2016) 373~379


42. Simulation and optimisation of resistance welding using the SORPAS software programme

Z. Mikno, Sz. Kowieski and W. Zhang
Biuletyn Instytutu Spawalnictwa w Gliwicach vol. 60, No.4 (2016): 13-22.


41. Effect of nugget size and notch geometry on the high cycle fatigue performance of resistance spot welded DP590 steel sheets

Banerjee, P., Sarkar, R., Pal, T. K., & Shome, M
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 238 (2016): 226-243.


40. Plasticity and fracture modeling of the heat-affected zone in resistance spot welded tailor hardened boron steel

Eller, T. K., Greve, L., Andres, M., Medricky, M., Geijselaers, H. J. M., Meinders, V. T., & van den Boogaard, A. H.
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 234 (2016): 309-322.


39. Heating of electrodes during spot resistance welding in FEM calculations

Z. Mikno and Z. Bartnik
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 16(1):86-100, January 2016.


38. Development of Next Generation Resistance Spot Welding Technologies Improving the Weld Properties of Advanced High Strength Steel Sheets

Taniguchi Koichi, Okita Yasuaki, Ikeda Rinsei
JFE Technical Report No. 20 (Mar. 2015)


37. Influence of surface pretreatment in resistance spot welding of aluminum AA1050

Ihsan K. Al Naimi, Moneer H. Al Saadi, Kasim M. Daws & Niels Bay
Production & Manufacturing Research, 3:1, 185-200, 2015


36. Study on High-Strength Steel Spot Welding Process Design and Optimization Based on SORPAS

Su Zhipu
Proceedings of SAE-China Congress 2015, pp. 545-558.


35. Improved resistance spot weldability of 3rd generation AHSS for automotive applications

E.M. van der Aa, M. Amirthalinham, J. Winter, David Neal Hanlon, M.J.M. Hermans and M. Rijnders
11th International Seminar on Numerical Analysis of Weldability, Graz, Seggau, Austria; 09/2015.


34. Weld nugget formation in resistance spot welding of new lightweight sandwich material

J. Sagüés Tanco, C. V. Nielsen, A. Chergui, W. Zhang and N. Bay
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 80(5-8), September 2015.


33. Numerical methods in simulation of resistance welding

C. V. Nielsen, Paulo A.F. Martins, W. Zhang and N. Bay
VI International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, April 2015.


32. 3D numerical simulation of projection welding of square nuts to sheets

C. V. Nielsen, W. Zhang, P.A.F. Martins and N. Bay
Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University  49(1): 80-85, January 2015.


31. Numerical simulation of projection welding between hot-stamped steel and low-carbon steel

Z.-X.Wan, M.Wang, H.-L. Jiao, B.-E. Gao and X. -T. Lu
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 215,  January 2015, p.171-180.


30. Influence of surface pretreatment in resistance spot welding of aluminum AA1050

Ihsan K. Al Naimi, Moneer H. Al Saadi, Kasim M. Daws & Niels Bay (2015)
Production & Manufacturing Research, 3:1, 185-200,
DOI: 10.1080/21693277.2015.1030795


29. Three-dimensional simulations of resistance spot welding

Chris V Nielsen, Wenqi Zhang, William Perret, Paulo AF Martins, and Niels Bay
J Automobile Engineering 2015, Vol. 229(7) 885–897 IMechE 2014
DOI: 10.1177/0954407014548740


28. Three-Sheet Spot Welding of Advanced High-Strength Steels.

C. V. Nielsen, K. S. Friis, W. Zhang and N. Bay
Welding journal, Vol. 90, February 2011, pp32-40.


27. Experimental and computer simulation results of the spot welding process using SORPAS software.

M A Al-Jader et al
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 178 012045. 2009.


26. Experimental and theoretical investigations to the effects of zinc coatings and splash on electrode cap wear.

N. Athi et al
Measurement, Vol. 42, No. 6, July 2009, pp944-953.


25. Using Simulation for Investigations of Hot Cracking Phenomena in Resistance Spot Welding of 6xxx Aluminum Alloys (AA6016 and AA6181)

Eder A., Jaber S., Jank N.
In: Böllinghaus T., Herold H., Cross C.E., Lippold J.C. (eds) Hot Cracking Phenomena in Welds II. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008


24. Monitoring the Effect of RSW Pulsing on AHSS using FEA (SORPAS) Software.

M.I. Khan et al
SAE Special Publication Papers, SP-2139, Document Number: 2007-01-1370, April 2007.


23. Simulation Software Helps Automakers.

N. Scotchmer
Welding Journal, Vol. 85, No. 8, August 2006, pp47-49.


22. Lowering Costs by Simulating Design of Complex Welds .

K. R. Chan and P. Edwards
AWS Sheet Metal Welding Conference XIII. Livonia, Michigan. May 10-12, 2006.


21. Effect of Electrode Geometry on Resistance Spot Welding of AHSS.

K. R. Chan, N. Scotchmer, J. C. Bohr, I. Khan, M. L. Kuntz and Y. N. Zhou
AWS Sheet Metal Welding Conference XIII. Livonia, Michigan. May 10-12, 2006.


20. Contact Modelling in Resistance Welding. Part 2: Experimental Validation.

Q. Song, W. Zhang and N. Bay
Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 220, No. 5, 2006, pp607-613.


19. Contact Modelling in Resistance Welding. Part 1: Algorithms and Numerical Verification.

Q. Song, W. Zhang and N. Bay
Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 220, No. 5, 2006, pp599-606.


18. Recent Advances and Improvements in the Simulation of Resistance Welding Processes.

W. Zhang
IIW-1721-05 (ex-doc. III-1345-05), Welding in the World , Vol. 50, No.3/4, 2006, pp29-37.


17. An Experimental Study Determines the Electrical Contact Resistance in Resistance Welding.

Q. Song, W. Zhang, N. Bay
Welding Journal, Vol. 84, No. 5, May 2005, pp73s-76s.


16. Characterization of Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Resistance Welding Machines.

P. Wu, W. Zhang and N. Bay:
Welding Journal, Vol. 84, No.1, January 2005, pp17s-21s.


15. Weld Bonding of Stainless Steel.

I. O. Santos, W. Zhang, V. M. Gonçalves, N. Bay and P. A. F. Martins
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.44, No.14, 2004, pp1431-1439.

14. Simulation of Resistance Welding for Industrial Applications

W. Zhang
Presented at Sheet Metal Welding Conference XI, Detroit, Michigan, May 11-14, 2004.

13. Determination on Maximum Follow-up Speed of Electrode System of Resistance Projection Welders

P. Wu, W. Zhang and N. Bay
International Journal for the Joining of Materials, Vol.16, No.2, 2004, pp33-36.


12. A Method for Identifying the Mechanical Parameters in Resistance Spot Welding Machines

P. Wu, W. Zhang and N. Bay
International Journal for the Joining of Materials, Vol.15, No.4, 2003, pp26-29.


11. Industrial Applications of Computer Simulation in Resistance Welding

W. Zhang
International Journal for the Joining of Materials, Vol.15, No.3, 2003, pp9-16.


10. Design and Implementation of Software for Resistance Welding Process Simulations

W. Zhang
SAE 2003 Transactions: Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, Vol.112, No.5, 2003, pp556-564.


9. Studies of Geometric Parameters in Projection Welding of Different Material Combinations (in German)

L. Kristensen, W. Zhang and N. Bay
18th DVS-Sondertagung “Widerstandsschweissen 2001”, Duisburg, Germany, May 2001, pp76-80.


8. Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Geometric Parameters in Projection Welding

L. Kristensen, W. Zhang and N. Bay
The 10th Int. Conf. on Computer Technology in Welding, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2000, pp.21.1-21.11.


7.  Finite Element Modeling of Resistance Spot and Projection Welding Processes

W. Zhang and L. Kristensen
The 9th Int. Conf. on Computer Technology in Welding, Detroit, Michigan, September 1999, NIST Special Publication 949, pp.15-23.


6. Influence of Geometric Parameters on Weld Quality in Resistance Projection Welding

L. Kristensen, W. Zhang and N. Bay
The 9th Int. Conf. on the Joining of Materials, JOM-9, Helsingør, Denmark, May 1999. pp.112-117.


5. Finite Element Modeling of Resistance Welding Processes

W. Zhang
The 9th Int. Conf. on the Joining of Materials, JOM-9, Helsingør, Denmark, May 1999. pp.54-59.


4. Finite Element Modeling Aided Process Design in Resistance Welding

W. Zhang and N. Bay
The 8th Int. Conf. on Computer Technology in Welding, Liverpool, UK, June 1998, pp.36.1-11.


3. Verification of an FEM Program for Spot Welding

L. Kristensen, W. Zhang, M. Malberg and N. Bay
The AWS Conference on Resistance Welding: Theory and Applications, Chicago, USA, October 1997. pp.182-208.


2. Finite Element Modeling of Spot Welding Similar and Dissimilar Metals

W. Zhang, H. Hallberg and N. Bay
The 7th Int. Conf. on Computer Technology in Welding, San Francisco, USA, July 1997, NIST Special Publication 923, pp.364-373.


1.  Finite Element Modeling of the Heat Development in Resistance Welding – with an industrial example for projection welding of dissimilar metals

W. Zhang and T. Funder-Kristensen:
The 8th Int. Conf. on the Joining of Materials, JOM-8, Helsingør, Denmark, May 1997, pp.226-233.