Resistance welding is a widely used technique in the manufacturing industry, but it still has challenges. Many have encountered complex welding problems that are difficult to solve because it is hard to find the root causes. Since the resistance welding process is very dynamic, the reasons can be complex.
Here we share the common resistance welding problems with possible root causes and solutions.

Cold weld (false weld)

Weld splash

Liquid metal embrittlement

Electrode degradation
Welding case studies with SORPAS®
Due to the lack of effective tools to reveal the inside of the weld zone during the rapid and highly dynamic welding process, a practical but tedious way to detect welding problems is by trial and error with many physical weld tests. Simulations can reduce the number of tests and help you to understand the process. For example, it is possible to reveal the inside of the welds and evaluate the welding results by simulations to predict the weld nugget sizes and weld strengths. It is also possible to optimize the welding process settings before launching the welding production.
Check common issues and problems during the welding lifecycle on the following pages. We will present how to use the simulations and optimizations to make good weld designs, achieve stable welding productions, and produce high-quality welds.