Validation of SORPAS® Simulations

Many factors influence the simulation results.

In order to minimize the amount of work that users have to do to verify the highly dynamically coupled numerical models and their interactions with the input conditions, we have already made a lot of verifications and validations of all models with lab tests and user feedback. Many numerical factors essential for welding and joining simulations are already trained and preset for general welding and joining applications. This is why SORPAS® can quickly produce good simulation results with first built simulation models.

However, it is always helpful to improve the simulation accuracy by checking further in details of the practical data especially related to individual welding applications.

In general, there are three most important ones that need to be verified for improving the accuracy of simulations.
  • Check the material properties
  • Check the geometry of electrode tip at working conditions
  • Check the numerical factors
More details are described in the attached document Check Scheme.